COLMAP: 'Viking Palette' 29 colors to 'Coats Alcazar Jazz' 304 colors

This table describes the best mapping from 'Viking Palette' threads to 'Coats Alcazar Jazz' threads.
It is a mapping from 29 colors 'Viking Palette' to maximum 304 of 'Coats Alcazar Jazz' colors.
There is no calculation method to determine the color distance of RGB values, so we use an approximation method.
If the second manufacturer 'Coats Alcazar Jazz' provides fewer colors than the first manufacturer 'Viking Palette', one or more colors may be combined into one. We list this mapping individually, but then have the same designation as a result in the list.
We hope that we have helped you with the mapping of the colors.

Result of color mapping between 'Viking Palette' and 'Coats Alcazar Jazz'

From Color 🠖 Color To
 Black, Viking Palette - 1   #000000   🠖   #212125   Black, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0900 
 Blue, Viking Palette - 2   #0000ff   🠖   #2e0d97   Medium Green / Blue, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0623 
 Light Green, Viking Palette - 3   #00ff00   🠖   #78b439   Green / Yellow, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0560 
 Red, Viking Palette - 4   #ff0000   🠖   #db3100   Orange / Red, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0215 
 Purple, Viking Palette - 5   #ff00ff   🠖   #d0539e   Medium Pink, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0331 
 Yellow, Viking Palette - 6   #ffff00   🠖   #f1d700   Yellow, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0005 
 Gray, Viking Palette - 7   #848284   🠖   #898988   Medium Grey, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0931 
 Light Blue, Viking Palette - 8   #0082ff   🠖   #009fcd   Medium Blue / Green, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0667 
 Green, Viking Palette - 9   #00ff84   🠖   #1eb2a7   Medium Blue / Green, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0523 
 Orange, Viking Palette - 10   #ff8200   🠖   #f17c00   Orange, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0122 
 Pink, Viking Palette - 11   #ffa2b5   🠖   #f3ad9a   Pale Orange, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0205 
 Brown, Viking Palette - 12   #c64100   🠖   #db3100   Orange / Red, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0215 
 White, Viking Palette - 13   #ffffff   🠖   #e6e8ff   White, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0001 
 Dark Blue, Viking Palette - 14   #000084   🠖   #2e0d97   Medium Green / Blue, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0623 
 Dark Green, Viking Palette - 15   #008200   🠖   #006b31   Green, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0555 
 Dark Red, Viking Palette - 16   #a50000   🠖   #a80024   Red, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0344 
 Light Red, Viking Palette - 17   #ff797b   🠖   #ed7e6c   Medium Orange, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 1037 
 Dark Purple, Viking Palette - 18   #840084   🠖   #9c006f   Medium Purple, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 1047 
 Light Purple, Viking Palette - 19   #ff82ff   🠖   #e39bc6   Light Pink, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0335 
 Dark Yellow, Viking Palette - 20   #c6c300   🠖   #f1d700   Yellow, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0005 
 Light Yellow, Viking Palette - 21   #ffffa5   🠖   #e9e8bf   Light Yellow, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0489 
 Dark Gray, Viking Palette - 22   #424142   🠖   #403b3a   Black, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0935 
 Light Gray, Viking Palette - 23   #c6c3c6   🠖   #cbc0bf   Light Purple, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0442 
 Dark Orange, Viking Palette - 24   #e74100   🠖   #db3100   Orange / Red, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0215 
 Light Orange, Viking Palette - 25   #ffae42   🠖   #f4c447   Yellow Gold, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0134 
 Dark Pink, Viking Palette - 26   #ff597b   🠖   #d6566e   Medium Pink, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0227 
 Light Pink, Viking Palette - 27   #ffd3d6   🠖   #eccfde   Light Pink, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0355 
 Dark Brown, Viking Palette - 28   #842000   🠖   #ad2b16   Light Orange / Red, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0209 
 Light Brown, Viking Palette - 29   #e76121   🠖   #e96005   Orange, Coats Alcazar Jazz - 0208 


We believe our conversion table is accurate, we cannot guarantee that every color match you get is 100% accurate. If you need exact color matching, you should use a thread color card and match by hand.

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